Saturday, November 3, 2012


Ladies Congrats!  Seriously I mean this with all of my heart when I say how amazed I am at how well everybody did.  I honestly shed a few tears this week as I thought about each one of you individually and how much hard work I know you have put into this journey. Losing weight is not easy.  Eating healthy is not easy.  But it is soooo worth it.  I need to remind myself of this as I stuff all of my childrens Halloween candy down my throat!!  Thank you for all of your kindness, hard work, patience and dedication these last 8 weeks.  For me I weighed in the EXACT same that I did when we started.  I found myself being very disappointed in myself BUT with that said, I maintained.  I think my goals for the holidays is to not eat myself into oblivion.  I truly love when I feel healthy and it makes me not just a healthier person, but a better mother and wife.  Thank you again and I love you all!!!!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Results Week 7, ONE MORE WEEK!!

I am amazed at how close the race got these past two weeks, WOW!!! You guys are amazing and should pat yourselves on your back because if you look at how much weight we have all lost, it equals that of a human being!:)  Seriously, you guys have done amazing.  I am so excited to see what the results show up next week and see how it ends.  Thank you all for being so patient with me these past two weeks.  I finally feel like a human, although I still have a good choking cough here and there:)  It make me appreciate my health and my body so much more when I get so sick.  It makes me realize how much better I need to take care of my body and treat it good.  Thanks again for all you guys do! Love you all

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Results Week 5/6

Ladies, thank you again for being so patient regarding the results this week.  I just want to say how amazed I am at the amount of weight everybody has lost this round.  Whether it is 1/2 of a pound or 10 pounds you should all be proud.  I cannot believe we are almost done!  We end here in just 3 weeks, the day before Halloween!  Is anybody else dying with all the pumpkin yumminess and holiday foods that are starting to come out!!  I already bought my Stephens Candy Cane Hot Chocolate and I fear for my figure:)  You guys are amazing and I love talking to you each week.  I am sorry if I don't get a personal email out to you each week when you send me your results but please know I think you all are amazing and doing such a great job!!!

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Results week 4 weigh in 5, 1/2 way done!!!

Great job ladies once again!  I am so sorry that this post is two days past the weigh ins.  I think school is seriously trying to kill me and I am questioning my sanity.  Thank you so much for your patience and understanding.  Can you believe that we are 1/2 way through??!!!  Does anybody else want to squeeze little sarah blair for coming in the front out of nowhere!!:)  No, but she is working hard!!  I have been such a slacker lately.  I have not really lost any weight recently and have been eating more than usual.  Its amazing how life can change, and the stress that comes along with it makes you want to eat everything in sight!! Anybody else going through change that makes you want to eat chocolate all day long?!  Love you guys!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Results Week 3 Weigh in 4

Amazing Job everyone, and watch out Sarah Blair!!!! So I had some issues trying to get Sarah's numbers in the last couple of weeks and when I talked to her yesterday I  was like " hold on!"  and the poor girl was interrogated by myself:)  But she has been doing cross country and eating healthy so power to you Sarah!!!!  It goes to show you how one week can change everything.  I love the last few weeks of the competition because they always so fast, and it is honestly easy to jump up a few percentage points after a week of hard work ( and vice versa).  Keep up the great work ladies, and just to quote one of my fellow "losers", its the tortoise that wins in the end, not the hare!  Love you all!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Results Week 2/3

Well Ladies another week come and gone!! I hope everyone had a great week and that some habits are changing and excersize routines are taking place.  If they are not, don't worry!! Today is a new day!  Also we have so many people this round that I wanted to remind you not to be discouraged if you are "low" on the list.  Let me just say last week I was 7th and this week I am 11th.  I am going to pick on Alina because she is my sister but she has been kicking butt the last few months and this past week she went from number 4 to number  17:)  Its ok Alina, you look amazing!! The point I am making is things can change soooo fast from one week to another.  THIS IS A TEST of ENDURANCE.  I just want to say I am sooooo inspired by all of you.  With being back in school I have found it so much easier to let my fitness take a back seat. Now granted I might not get in the gym as much as I used to but you all inspire me to get out and take a walk even if that is all I have time for.  Thank you all and good luck this week!!!!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Welcome to the 1st set of results....NOW BREATHE!!!:) Ok the first week is always rough and I want to point out a few things before you start getting down on yourself if you are not where you wanted to be. 

1st- WE are only in week 1 of an 8 week competition!  You can start off at the bottom and be a winner by the end because it is a test of endurance.  For those at the top of the list remember that those of us towards the bottom have even more of an edge to push to the top!:)

2nd-  To make it clear, if you weighed yourself last Monday night on accident, than you HAVE to send in your weight on Mondays nights from here on out.  I was talking to a few people and think I may have not made it clear that you MUST weigh in at the same time which for our group is Tuesdays Mornings, anytime before noon.  If this is the case, just drop me a note, your not in trouble:), and we will fix it!:)  If so, you wouldnt be the first person to do this including myself the first time I did a Biggest Loser competition.

3rd- SOOOO proud of everyone.  Look at how amazing you guys did just the first week.  Seriously I am just amazed at the hard work and effort each one of you have put in individually.

4th-  Be on the heads up for a girls night out here in the next two weeks.  Most likely I will set up a night for all of us to get together and swap recipies and chat next week but I need to check with the hubs schedule to make sure we are in aggreance for some womanly chaos:)

Thanks so much for all you do ladies and I think we have an AMAZING group this go around!!

Monday, September 3, 2012

WELCOME WELCOME to Round 2 Ladies!!!!  Tomorrow morning/Tuesday is your first weigh in, but the first results/rankings will take place next Tuesday.  I hope your first week flys by and you feel the energy and motivation to get things kickin' into gear!  Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help you out. 
On a side note, I ate wayyyyy too much ice cream today because I knew for the next two months I will be cutting back on the sugar.  Was it worth it??  Not sure yet, it is worth it in the moment but than a few minutes later its not the same feeling.  Alright, enough of my confessions GOOD LUCK!!!

Monday, August 20, 2012


Guys, I just want to say congratulations to everybody.  You all kicked butt and have been so so fun to talk with every week.  I think for me its an awesome way to socialize and get to know each and every one of you a little more.  I am excited for those who will be joining us all for the 2nd round and I have a feeling it will be more competitive which makes me excited and want me to get my butt in gear!  Love you all and see you Sept. 4th!!!

Monday, August 13, 2012

Finally Results!!! One more week!

Hey Ladies we only have one more week!  8 weeks always go by so fast and I have loved every bodies emails and words of encouragement.  I am going to give a one or two week break in between and send out a mass email to a lot of people who have shown interest in another competition.  I think with kids being back in school it is much easier to focus on something we want to do for ourselves:) 

Ok, so I need everybody to vote and send me an email asap how you want the money divided. Here are your choices:

A) 1st- $90, 2nd-$30 3rd-$15
B) 1st-$75 2nd- $50 3rd-$10
C) 1st-$80 2nd-$35 3rd-$20

Alright, one more week and let me know if you are interested in joining the second round.  Thanks lovely ladies. 

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Results/ Half Way done!

Congrats Ladies!! We are officially half way done and we are on our way to the 5th weigh in. I promise the next few weeks will fly by!  If you are down on the scale you can totally come back, don't give up!  In fact a girl in my most recent contest I did with my friends from Erie came out of nowhere the last three weeks and beat me out for first place!  But props to her because she worked hard to do it, and I slacked off because I thought I had it!!:)  I am really amazed at how amazing you all are and the dedication you are putting into this contest even if it means sacrificing a brownie after a  long day with the kids:)  Trust me, that takes determination and dedication!!  Let me know if I can help out in any way or you would like a work out buddy.  Great job ladies!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Alright, sorry I am a couple days late!  We are currently in Erie and I have been out of control visiting old friends, but also out of control with my eating.  Today I did a Tae Bo Video in my room which was awesome because Lorenzo wanted to sit on my stomach the entire time while attempting at crunches as well as walk in between my legs when I was doing some leg press thing a mob move.  It was crazy.  BUT I allowed myself some chocolate at this amazing chocolate store here in Erie and I have been eating my typical food but twice as much as normal.  What have I learned?  1, to never leave Kentucky again. 2, I am an emotional and stress eater, BUT also a "fun" eater.  I tend to stuff my face with  food mindlessly while socializing.  WHY!??  Shouldn't it be the other way and I become self conscious??  Anywho, hope you all had a great week and I cant wait to see where we are all at come this Monday when we reach the 1/2 way mark.  Keep up the great work! 

Monday, July 9, 2012

Hey Ladies another week come and gone!!!  You guys are amazing and I know that this past week was rough but honestly everyone did such a great job staying strong. 

Don't be hard on yourself if you are not where you want to be.  As you can see we are all very close within a percentage point or two so its still anybodies game!!  WE are still early in the competition so don't give up!

Brother Burnett was giving a talk this past Sunday where he talked about how the Lord gives us weaknesses so that we are humble and can turn them into strengths.  It struck such a chord with me because eating lots of food is my weakness.  It has been ever since I was a little girl!!!  I truly believe for myself that this is a hard battle for myself but I pray that one day it becomes a strength.  Its the best feeling when I make a good choice. Today I almost didn't!! In fact at the grocery store I had a package of Birthday Cake flavored Oreos in my hand and it took everything in me to put them back.  Your not alone.  Its everybody's strength that truly helps me to stay motivated so thanks for all your hard work you guys are doing! You all are one amazing bunch of women!

ALSO, Who is in for a girls night out this Thursday!??  We were thinking sushi?  Any takers?  Let me know if you can make it and if that is what you would like to do or any other suggestions?  Ciao!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

July 4th may take me out.....

As I think about tomorrow and the pancake breakfast at church followed by gatherings where everyone will be bringing their A game in regards to food, I fear for my weight loss this week.  I seriously need prayers and plan on being a the gym tomorrow to at least help out as I try not to devour every delicious thing that comes into view.

Week 2, 1st Official Results!!!

Ladies, great job!  Seriously everyone is kicking butt and I am excited to be in this "round" with everyone single one of you.  Keep up the great work and remember to take it one day at a time.  Don't get frustrated with yourself if you have a bad day or week, just focus on moving forward. 

Saturday, June 30, 2012 Armando is getting married today and I was not invited (shocker).  I plan on making my own cake and eating the whole thing and I dare anyone to stop me (feel free to try).  Good thing I ran ten miles in the am

Friday, June 29, 2012

The problem with "tomorrow"....

So I'm not sure *exactly* what my "deal" is, but I've heard myself saying, "Tomorrow" an awful lot. 

Tomorrow I'll get back into the running/exercise groove...
Tomorrow I'll drink more water...
Tomorrow I'll go an entire day without vodka diet coke... (that was a joke.  get it??)
Tomorrow I'll eat a healthy breakfast...
Tomorrow I'll count calories...

The problem is: when I'm telling myself these things, it seems like I'm only procrastinating the start of healthier habits.  Harmless, right?  But the truth is, I'm *wasting* countless hours/days/weeks;  getting more grounded in my habits of complacency; and making myself wait longer for the end results of good health and a smokin' hot bod that I so desparately want.  So.....I vow to stop saying "tomorrow". 

(Starting tomorrow.) 

Love y'all.
I get in the pool with my girls for the first time this summer because I finally broke down and bought a new suit (yes...I'm too fat for my other one)...Mari pokes at my fat roll and says "it looks like you have two tummies." Thanks

Thursday, June 28, 2012

My newly discovered snack

Hey guys, my newly discovered snack of choice is Fage Greek Yogurt, about 1/4 cup with 1/2 TBSp of honey and maybe two animal crackers crushed = yumminess!! Only about 80 calories max. Thank you Costco sized Greek yogurt. ( I spend way to much time making posts that include Costco)

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Ok people.  I must comment....Over the last few years I lost 120 lbs.  Wow I was a lard.  I have proudly (not) gained back 35 in the last year.  I can make a ton of excuses i.e. post partum depression, getting divorced, no time, etc.  But the honest truth is I didn't care what I ate.  I think I ate double what I should each day.  I kept thinking that I would start Monday.  Anyhow my point is I sooooo agree with Tasha about diet being key...but I was able to lose weight and eat up to 2000 calories a long as I ran and went to the Y.  I just wanted to share this beause I LOVE LOVE LOVE to eat, so 1400 would be impossible for me.  Well I could do it but I would say a lot of swear words every day.  So if you want to eat a few hundred more....start running with Ashly and I.  :)  Just my 2 cents cause it worked for me for a few years.  I felt like I could sustain it.  Also I used the Lose it! app on my iphone.  I can't say enough good things about this app.  OK  done rambling.  Let the games begin and may the odds be ever in your favor!

Monday, June 25, 2012


Costco cheap and yummy food is the devil.  End of story.   :)

Sunday, June 24, 2012

My Success

Hey Ladies, I have had a few of you ask me what I did to lose my weight. (At around 40 this week, wohooo!) 

Honestly all I did was to stick with a 1400 calorie diet a day, and I started off by working out around 3 times a week.  Now I try to get in about 5 days a week, BUT the honest truth is diet.  I use the Fitness Pal app on my Iphone and keep track of what I eat.  Even if I go over in my calorie allowance  I "write" it down.  It helps to get me aware of what I am putting into my body.  What do you guys have in mind to do during the competition?  Zumba?  Biking or running?  Give me some ideas!  Love to all!

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Welcome Welcome!!!

Welcome my fellow losers!!  Now remember, here on our blog being a loser is being a winner.  We officially start on June 25th and we will end in 8 weeks on August 20th.   It may seem like a really long time but trust me it will fly by!!!!  Please post your thoughts and feelings on the blog and in turn we all need to help each other by responding to our fellow losers.  The people who I have found to have lost the most weight are the ones who are active on the blog.  It's for your benefit, I promise!! You have to weigh in every Monday before noon.  I recommend weighing in first thing in the morning, but no matter what just be consistent so that you will get your true weight loss (or gain) each week.  Yes I have gained before, so don't be ashamed even if you do!  Nobody will know your weight and it will be top secret.  I understand what it is like to be embarrassed of your weight but please know that there is no judgement here.  There is a link to a weight loss percentage calculator that I will be using each week so feel free to check on yourself as well as to check on me!  If your money is not sent in within the first two weeks of the contest you will be disqualified for the prize, even if you are on top!  I do this because once your money is sent in you will truly feel a part of the whole process!  Love you all, and I am so excited to go on this journey with such amazing women!