Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Ok people.  I must comment....Over the last few years I lost 120 lbs.  Wow I was a lard.  I have proudly (not) gained back 35 in the last year.  I can make a ton of excuses i.e. post partum depression, getting divorced, no time, etc.  But the honest truth is I didn't care what I ate.  I think I ate double what I should each day.  I kept thinking that I would start Monday.  Anyhow my point is I sooooo agree with Tasha about diet being key...but I was able to lose weight and eat up to 2000 calories a day...as long as I ran and went to the Y.  I just wanted to share this beause I LOVE LOVE LOVE to eat, so 1400 would be impossible for me.  Well I could do it but I would say a lot of swear words every day.  So if you want to eat a few hundred more....start running with Ashly and I.  :)  Just my 2 cents cause it worked for me for a few years.  I felt like I could sustain it.  Also I used the Lose it! app on my iphone.  I can't say enough good things about this app.  OK  done rambling.  Let the games begin and may the odds be ever in your favor!


  1. Thanks for posting this, Kim. I also love to eat and become an absolute bear when I diet. I do count my calories using the My Fitness Pal app and love to see my allotted calories rise after working out. It makes the sweating worth it!

  2. Kim you are awesome and may be my new favorite person!:). I am going to have to try out that new app. Also after reading your post I have to say you are one strong woman, foo reals !!! Oh and the hunger games reference...genius!:)
